Archive for May, 2014

New Journey

Tomorrow starts a new journey for me and I’m honestly very excited. I sometimes feel that I’m stuck in a rut, but with the new happenings I feel like I’m climbing out of that rut. I started a new job with the Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC). It is only temporary, but it has been a pleasure working in public health. My job title there is an Administrative Specialist II. It is mandatory for all seventh graders in the state of South Carolina to receive a specific vaccination. I assist in the setup of school located vaccination clinics. It gave me a chance to look back at the things I did while in seventh grade. Laughing with friends and instigating situations just to have more laughs. I met two wonderful coworkers, Becca and Pat.
But getting back to tomorrow and this new journey. ..Tomorrow I start school for my second degree! Also, I have a job interview tomorrow. And I called in sick for the first time ever on yesterday! It was fun and liberating. Maybe I’ll get a picture of my temporary coworkers and post it. Just an update on what’s going on in my world.
New Discovery: Fried Oreos!!!

Hope for the future-Running a marathon
Fingers crossed (fervently praying that I get that new job tomorrow at 9am)

Have a great night! Off for some beauty sleep

Update 1: May 13th, Noon
The interview was very intense. I’m not one to get really nervous at an interview. Today I was very nervous, because I had trouble finding the place. I was thirty minutes early, and I had planned to go in fifteen minutes before the scheduled interview. I’m glad I went searching earlier. I had on sandals and my feet were killing me. I dislike wearing heels; I like being leveled to the ground. But, at an interview process you’re being what you need to be to get that job. I wanted to be professional, so I picked those shoes. They did not see me feet or those sandals, but I wore them just in case. The room was crowded and there were police and parole officers walking around with guns and handcuffs. One lady was very friendly and she had a way of making me feel less stressed.
As soon as I walked in I was told I needed to sign papers and take a test. The test consisted of spelling checks, alphabetical order, mathematical skills, typing (I haven’t typed a letter in years), and I had a words per minutes test as well. Believe it or I finished in less than thirty minutes, but the interview panel was what really made me nervous. There were five people and one guy was really, really cute. LOL that makes a difference people. One guy kept using big words and the woman kept looking at me in admiration for some reason, or maybe it was pity-I don’t know. I had to handwrite a note as well and one woman from the panel whispered to me that I have a really nice handwriting. She made me smile, because at that point I was noticing that I had competition all around me. I saw at least five people being interviewed for the same position. I’d like to say that it doesn’t create doubt, but I’d be lying.
Either way what will be will be. Now, I’m going to take a nap and get ready for class in a few hours!!! I’ll be missing Chicago PD tonight because of class. That makes me sad, but there is always the Internet-Whopdeedoo

* May 27th- No call about getting the job, and I normally call to check in, but I decided not to. It’s alright, indeed 🙂