Quote ☺

Let Men Have Their Masculinity

The Unedited Version

Man Time Men do need to enjoy things that feed their masculinity

I was just watching a video in which a good looking gentleman made his commentary on women being required to pay rent 50/50. To paraphrase, he states that it is a man’s responsibility to take care of his woman no matter how much she earns because some traditions are still good. In the pursuit of gender equality, is modern society taking away men’s right to be men?

Holding the Door Open
I remember being on a date and he was on the opposite side of the truck. I went to open my side of the door and he came running to the other side to do it for me. I was annoyed.  My thoughts “I can open my own damn door!” It wasn’t the feminist in me that objected but I thought he was too far away and I just looked stupid standing there waiting like a prima…

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When to Let the Lion Roar

I’ll just jump right into things. Somebody ticked me off (this post was left in my draft box for nearly two years, lol. I felt it was too dark). But, when do you not remain calm? When do you let the lion roar? When do you show out and show the other side of you, and we all have another side? It may rarely come out, but it’s there.  When do you show the other person you can get just as low down? When do you lash out?

I’m angry, and I know the exact words that would knock the very breath from their lungs. I’m going to put this person back in their place. I’ll show them who not to mess with me. Don’t mess with me, and I won’t mess with you. If I hurt your feelings (which is what I plan to do) ooops, well, that’s just the way the cookie crumbles.

Okay, I'm not as angry as Angela here, LOL. She was on another level. The point is we can all go there.

Okay, I’m not as angry as Angela here, LOL. She was on another level. The point is we can all go there.

–How to deal with anger?

Anger is not a bad thing. Anger is an emotion just like any other emotion that we may experience in life. The problem with anger as well as any other emotion is when one does not know how to control their emotion. Controlling your emotion does not mean hiding your emotion, but it does mean being able to prevent the emotion from getting the best of you, not letting it consume you.

If you’re sad, say you’re sad and deal with the sadness.

If you’re angry, say you’re angry and deal with the anger.

When I am angry, happy, sad, hurt, or whatever emotion I am experiencing…I am finally learning how to let you know exactly how I feel and exactly why I feel the way that I do. I don’t have to stoop to your level of disgrace to express any negative emotions. I don’t have to cuss you out. I don’t have to fight you (although, I will, in a heartbeat).

So, there is a time to be the sheep. And there is the time to be the lion. Jesus was the lamb and the lion.

As the lion, Jesus didn’t murder another with his word. He didn’t belittle the person. He stated the facts and acted like a boss…

There is a time for everything. Know when it’s time to let the lion roar, my friend.

If you’re a lady, handle yourself like a lady.

If you’re a man, handle yourself as such.

But, still, don’t be a pushover. I’m learning that.

…not sure what was going on 2 years ago here, but I was obviously angry on this day.

What About Your Friends?

Friendships are inportant. ♡


For many women, friends are our primary partners through life; they are the ones who move us into new homes, out of bad relationships, through births and illnesses.

-Rebecca Traister’s book

Female friendships are a topic I’ve avoided writing about. I have so many thoughts around the subject and yet nothing I felt would add anything meaningful to this blog. It’s true that I become wholly self-aware and self-conscious around the topic. However I’m here, attacking my trigger.

Where do I begin? So let me say that the age of online friendships is a gift and a curse. I blame Facebook. With the click of a button, you “Friend” someone. Is that all it takes? A passive, mindless act? You may never personally message that person, write on that person’s wall, or even have to remember that person’s birthday (FB does it for you.) But you made a new friend…

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A wise woman wishes to be no one’s enemy; a wise woman REFUSES to be anyone’s victim ” – Maya

The Real Me

I have been really busy working on a special project at work, and I am exhausted. It is finally coming to an end. The women that also ended up on the project were not really the usual people that I talk to in the office. One of the women on the project actually told me that I only talked to her when we went to our assigned counties together on Tuesdays. She said “and, that’s only because we are in the van together.”  We both laughed, because she is absolutely correct.  I am pretty quiet and it takes some time before I warm up to you. During this project we bonded over music, television shows, childhood memories, and so much more. By the end of the project I realized that sometimes we simply have to share our true selves with others. It is okay to share the real you. I have spent so much time in my own head or in my own world that I have failed to share with others just who I really am.

Someone told me “Tiwana, I would have never known how funny you were if you never came out of your shell. I’m glad that you decided to come out of your shell.”

Truth be told…I’m glad I’m coming out of me shell too. Some people will like this “new” me and some will not. This new me is the real me. The me I am consciously attempting to showcase. But, I like me…perhaps you’ll like me too.

Happy Birthday, Tiwana!

I am officially 26 years old. There was a time in my life where I could not understand why people were thankful that God opened their eyes to see another day. I could not understand why we clung so desperately to this life. I hear people say I want to live to 120, and personally, that would grieve me for many different reasons. I can’t say that I had days that I just did not want to be alive, but I didn’t see real beauty in this life. This just didn’t seem like a place to be happy. I took my life for granted…I wasn’t wrecklessly living but I was not purposefully living the life that I had been given. I just didn’t see what the fuss or excitement over life was about. I was indifferent or apathetic nit depressed ir unhappy. But, now I see life as a true gift from God. I now see that each day that I’m given God gave it with purpose. There is a reason for my being. So, with my all I thank God for my life. And to echo Smoke Norful, “it may not be all that I had hope for…but I wholeheartedly thank God for my life!” See you guys on the 27th year of life. I want to live, love, laugh, and not die for there is still work to be done through me. Life with a purpose. Live with apurpose. Live on purpose. Love on purpose. Laugh on purpose. ♡♡♡

Some coworkers/friends and I went to TN. Great trip!

I rocked a faux nose ring which is something I’ve been wanting to do for some time. I haven’t worn it since the trip. I like it though.

I received gift cards and great messages from family and friends!#LIFE

Click the hash tag!

What is something that gives you “life” 🙂

Why are you grateful for your life?


Hot Days

Today was hot.

Too hot

Utterly hot.

A client at work decided to question everything I did which annoyed me terribly.

And, today was hot.

Eventually I cooled down. I’m home now. I hope tomorrow is not  as “hot”….

Side bar: My friend has the last name Pitts, so we made a “Pitt” stop at QT…haha, get it? Simmering down as I drink my QT icee….yay


Wonder{full} Wednesdays

This is beautiful. 🙂

What is Perfect?

The world will never starve for want of wonders;

But only for want of wonder.

G.K. Chesterton

This is the first post in a series on cultivating wonder,
both in ourselves and in our children.
Psalms 19:1 says, 
“The heavens declare the glory of God,
and the sky above proclaims his handiwork.”
May this series of posts be a tool to reclaim wonder and awe and therefore

move us to praise and glorify the Lord who is in Heaven.

There are so many wonders around us, if only we will see them as such. 

wonderfull wednesdays 2

As I write this, I am sitting as I watch the sky turn its beautiful orange, pink, and lavender hews as the day comes to an end. Birds are singing their evening songs. My silly daughter just came on the deck with a rake held behind her back and proclaimed herself to be a peacock, and one of my boys is drawing…

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